The benefits of regular exercise can be felt in all walks of life. This Exercises for the Over 50s DVD is aimed specifically at those people in their autumn years and the routines demonstrated have been created with them directly in mind. Being in the over-50s bracket myself, I understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and conditioned body.
If you’re finding that your daily chores are becoming more and more strenuous, or that your body feels stiff for days after a light tennis or badminton session, I’ve no doubt this DVD will be of help to you.
A well-structured exercise routine will improve suppleness and flexibility in joints and limbs, cardiovascular health and core strength. Your active lifestyle needn’t suffer.
The beauty of this DVD, is that you don’t require any expensive equipment or need to tie yourself in to any long-term gym memberships. All these exercises can be performed in the comfort and convenience of your own home. The only apparatus you’ll need is a workout mat and some suitable sports apparel.
The routines are separated into three stages: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. This means you can increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts as your own strength and fitness improves. After a while, you'll discover you're capable of much more than you might have imagined.
So that you’re encouraged to go at a pace that suits you, the sessions take shape as individual exercise routines. This enables you to perform between one and three of the drills at any one time.
You’re then able to rest and advance to a different routine and, once you are comfortable with the exercises shown, you can incorporate them into a circuit that agrees with your needs. Repeating as often as you wish.
So long as you don’t have any specific medical conditions or injuries and your GP is happy for you to engage in the type of physical activity demonstrated, almost anyone can participate and enjoy the benefits of the Exercises for the Over 50s DVD.
Posted by Garry Toms on November 30th 2016